Rabbits Story:
A story about a Mount Royal University student and how raising meat rabbits influenced her decision to enroll in the university's Environmental Science program. This video was planned, filmed, and edited entirely by me for the purpose of being shown during a newscast.
Lashes Promo:
A promotional video produced by a classmate and I to be shared on social media. My roles in creating this video included writing, planning, and filming alongside my classmate.
A Fall Walk:
A montage of clips taken while walking my dog, Ellie. This video was created by me to post as a reel on the CMRU.ca Facebook page.
MRU Pond Footage:
A short video with natural sound that I went out to film for a newscast assignment.
"How to" Video:
An instructional video explaining how to change the password of an iPhone. One of my first video projects where I was responsible for writing, setting up equipment, filming, and post-production.